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Subdivision #3, Joseph Gross Gallery University of Arizona

The Joseph Gross Gallery is delighted to host Cheryl Molnarʼs Subdivision #3, an installation that explores the paradox of suburban living. This immersive installation is composed of thousands of paper structures, recalling the prefabricated cities that have come to dominate the post-WW II American landscape. Composed of thin, pastel paper houses created from a limited variation of Xeroxed patterns, Molnarʼs ticky-tacky boxes1 flood the gallery to create one indistinguishable residential division after another. With many American's suffering through the most difficult housing market in memory, Cheryl's work recalls the social, ecological and economic complexities that have come to define the new American Dream. For generations, Americans viewed owning a home as a symbol of their personal and national prosperity. Now this vision has become clouded by predatory banking practices, scarce natural resources and global economic volatility. Cheryl Molnar completed her Master of Fine Arts at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York. She has exhibited at Adelphi University, New York, General Electric Corporate Headquarters, Connecticut, and in the RISD Biennial, Exit Gallery, New York. This exhibition is supported by the Lionel Rombach Endowment and the University of Arizona School of Art. G